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September 26, 1833
Proclaimed February 21, 1835
Articles of a treaty made at Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on the twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, between George B. Porter, Thomas J. V. Owen and William Weatherford, Commissioners on the part of the United States of the one part, and the United Nation of Chippewa, Ottowa and Potawatamie Indians of the other part, being fully represented by the Chiefs and Head-men whose names are hereunto subscribed--which Treaty is in the following words, to wit: |
ARTICLE 1st. -- The said United Nation of Chippewa, Ottowa, and Potawatamie Indians, cede to the United States all their land, along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and between this Lake and the land ceded to the United States by the Winnebago nation, at the treaty of Fort Armstrong made on the 15th September 1832--bounded on the north by the country lately ceded by the Menominees, and on the south by the country ceded at the treaty of Prairie du Chien made on the 29th July 1829--supposed to contain about five millions of acres.
ARTICLE 2d--In part consideration of the above cession it is hereby agreed, that the United States shall grant to the said United Nation of Indians to be held as other Indian lands are held which have lately been assigned to emigrating Indians, a tract of country west of the Mississippi river, to be assigned to theM by the President of the United States--to be not less in quantity than five millions of acres, and to be located as follows: beginning at the mouth of Boyer's river on the east side of the Missouri river, thence down the said river to the mouth of Naudoway river, thence due east to the west line of the State of Missouri, thence along the said State line to the northwest corner of the State, thence east along the said State line to the point where it is intersected by the western boundary line of the Sacs and Foxes -- thence north along the said line of the Sacs and Foxes, so far as that when a straight line shall be run therefrom to the mouth of Boyer's river (the place of beginning) it shall include five millions of acres. And as it is the wish of the Government of the United States that the said nation of Indians should remove to the country thus assigned to them as soon as conveniently can be done; and it is deemed advisable on the part of their Chiefs and Headmen that a deputation should visit the said country west of the Mississippi and thus be assured that full justice has been done, it is hereby stipulated that the United States will defray the expenses of such deputation, to consist of not more than fifty persons, to be accompanied by not more than five individuals to be nominated by themselves and the whole to be under the general direction of such officer of the United States Government as has been or shall be designated for the purpose.--And it is further agreed that as fast as the said Indians shall be prepared to emigrate, they shall be removed at the expense of the United States, and shall receive subsistence while upon the journey, and for one year after their arrival at their new homes.--It being understood, that the said Indians are to remove from all that part of the land now ceded, which is within the State of Illinois, immediately on the ratification of this treaty, but to be permitted to retain possession of the country north of the boundary line of the said State, for the term of three years, without molestation or interruption and under the protection of the laws of the United States.
ARTICLE 3d--And in further consideration of the above cession, it is agreed, that there shall be paid by the United States the sums of money hereinafter mentioned: to wit.
One hundred thousand dollars to satisfy sundry individuals, in behalf of whom reservations were asked, which the Commissioners refused to grant: and also to indemnify the Chippewa tribe who are parties to this treaty for certain lands along the shore of Lake Michigan, to which they make claim, which have been ceded to the United States by the Menominee Indians--the manner in which the same is to be paid is set forth in Schedule "A" hereunto annexed.
One hundred and fifty thousand dollars to satisfy the claims made against the said United Nation which they have here admitted to be justly due, and directed to be paid, according to Schedule "B" hereunto annexed.
One hundred thousand dollars to be paid in goods and provisions, a part to be delivered on the signing of this treaty and the residue during the ensuing year.
Two hundred and eighty thousand dollars to be paid in annuities of fourteen thousand dollars a year, for twenty years.
One hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be applied to the erection of mills, farm houses, Indian houses and blacksmith shops, to agricultural improvements, to the purchase of agricultural implements and stock, and for the support of such physicians, millers, farmers, blacksmiths and other mechanics, as the President of the United States shall think proper to appoint.
Seventy thousand dollars for purposes of education and the encouragement of the domestic arts, to be applied in such manner, as the President of the United States may direct--[The wish of the Indians begin expressed to the Commissioners as follows: The united nation of Chippewa, Ottowa and Potawatamie Indians being desirous to create a perpetual fund for the purposes of education and the encouragement of the domestic arts, wish to invest the sum of seventy thousand dollars in some safe stock, the interest of which only is to be applied as may be necessary for the above purposes. They therefore request the President of the United States, to make such investment for the nation as he may think best. If however, at any time hereafter, the said nation shall have made such advancement in civilization and have become so enlightened as in the opinion of the President and Senate of the United States they shall be capable of managing so large a fund with safety they may withdraw the whole or any part of it.]
Four hundred dollars a year to be paid to Billy Caldwell, and three hundred dollars a year, to be paid to Alexander Robinson, for life, in addition to the annuities already granted them--Two hundred dollars a year to be paid to Joseph Lafromboise and two hundred dollars a year to be paid to Shabehnay, for life.
Two thousand dollars to be paid to Wau-pon-eh-see and his band, and fifteen hundred dollars to Awn-kote and his band, as the consideration for nine sections of land, granted to them by the 3d article of the Treaty of Prairie du Chien of the 29th of July 1829 which are hereby assigned and surrendered to the United States.
ARTICLE 4th. A just proportion of the annuity money, secured as well by former treaties as the present, shall be paid west of the Mississippi to such portion of the nation as shall have removed thither during the ensuing three years.--After which time, the whole amount of the annuities shall be paid at their location west of the Mississippi.
ARTICLE 5th--[Stricken out.]
This treaty after the same shall have been ratified by the President and Senate of the United States, shall be binding on the contracting parties.
In testimony whereof, the said George B. Porter, Thomas J. V. Owen, and William Weatherford, and the undersigned chiefs and head men of the said nation of Indians, have hereunto set their hands at Chicago, the said day and year.
G. B. Porter,
Th. J. V. Owen,
William Weatherford,
To-pen-e-bee, his x mark,
Ob-wa-qua-unk, his x mark,
N-saw-way-quet, his x mark,
Puk-quech-a-min-ee, his x mark,
Nah-che-wine, his x mark,
Ke-wase, his x mark,
Wah-bou-seh, his x mark,
Mang-e-sett, his x mark,
Caw-we-saut, his x mark,
Ah-be-te-ke-zhic, his x mark,
Pat-e-go-shuc, his x mark,
E-to-wow-cote, his x mark,
Shim-e-nah, his x mark,
O-chee-pwaise, his x mark,
Ce-nah-ge-win, his x mark,
Shaw-waw-nas-see, his x mark,
Shab-eh-nay, his x mark,
Mac-a-ta-o-shic, his x mark,
Squah-ke-zic, his x mark,
Mah-che-o-tah-way, his x mark,
Cha-ke-te-ah, his x mark,
Me-am-ese, his x mark,
Shay-tee, his x mark,
Kee-new, his x mark,
Ne-bay-noc-scum, his x mark,
Naw-bay-caw, his x mark,
O'Kee-mase, his x mark,
Saw-o-tup, his x mark,
Me-tai-way, his x mark,
Na-ma-ta-way-shuc, his x mark,
Shaw-waw-nuk-wuk, his x mark,
Nah-che-wah, his x mark,
Sho-bon-nier, his x mark,
Me-nuk-quet, his x mark,
Chis-in-ke-bah, his x mark,
Mix-e-maung, his x mark,
Nah-bwait, his x mark,
Che-che-bin-quay, his x mark,
Joseph, his x mark,
Wah-mix-i-co, his x mark,
Sen-e-bau-um, his x mark,
Puk-won, his x mark,
Wa-be-no-say, his x mark,
Mon-tou-ish, his x mark,
No-nee, his x mark,
Mas-quat, his x mark,
Sho-min, his x mark,
Ah-take, his x mark,
He-me-nah-wah, his x mark,
Che-pec-co-quah, his x mark,
Mis-quab-o-no-quah, his x mark,
Wah-be-Kai, his x mark,
Ma-ca-ta-ke-shic, his x mark,
Sho-min, (2d) his x mark,
She-mah-gah, his x mark,
O'ke-mah-wah-ba-see, his x mark,
Na-mash, his x mark,
Shab-y-a-tuk, his x mark,
Ah-cah-o-mah, his x mark,
Quah-quah, tah, his x mark,
Ah-sag-a-mish-cum, his x mark,
Pa-mob-a-mee, his x mark,
Nay-o-say, his x mark,
Ce-tah-quah, his x mark,
Ce-ku-tay, his x mark,
Sauk-ee, his x mark,
Ah-quee-wee, his x mark,
Ta-cau-ko, his x mark,
Me-shim-e-nah, his x mark,
Wah-sus-kuk, his x mark,
Pe-nay-o-cat, his x mark,
Pay-maw-suc, his x mark,
Pe-she-ka, his x mark,
Shaw-we-mon-e-tay, his x mark,
Ah-be-nab, his x mark,
Sau-sau-quas-see, his x mark.
In presence of --
Wm. Lee D. Ewing, secretary to commission,
E. A. Brush,
Luther Rice, interpreter,
James Conner, interpreter,
John T. Schermerhorn, commissioner, etc. west,
A. C. Pepper, S. A. R. P.
Gho. Kercheval, sub-agent,
Geo. Bender, major, Fifth Regiment Infantry,
D. Wilcox, captain, Fifth Regiment,
J. M. Baxley, captain, Fifth Infantry,
R. A. Forsyth, U. S. Army,
L. T. Jamison, lieutenant, U. S. Army,
E. K. Smith, lieutenant, Fifth Infantry,
P. Maxwell, assistant surgeon,
J. Allen, lieutenant, Fifth Infantry,
I. P. Simonton, lieutenant, U. S. Army,
George F. Turner, assistant surgeon, U. S. Army,
Richd. J. Hamilton,
Robert Stuart,
Jona. McCarty,
Daniel Jackson, of New York,
Jno. H. Kinzie,
Robt. A. Kinzie,
G. S. Hubband,
J. C. Schwarz, adjutant general M. M.
Jn. B. Beaubrier,
James Kinzie,
Jacob Beeson,
Saml. Humes Porter,
Andw. Porter,
Gabriel Godfroy,
A. H. Arndt,
Laurie Marsh,
Joseph Chaunier,
John Watkins,
B. B. Kercheval,
Jas. W. Berry,
Wm. French,
Thomas Forsyth,
Pierre Menard, Fils,
Edmd. Roberts,
Geo. Hunt,
Isaac Nash.
(Referred to in the Treaty, containing the sums payable to Individuals in lieu of Reservations.)
Dollars. | ||
Jesse Walker | 1500 | |
Henry Cleveland | 800 | |
Rachel Hall | 600 | |
Sylvia Hall | 600 | |
Joseph Laframboise and children | 1000 | |
Victoire Porthier and her children | 700 | |
Jean Bt. Miranda Jane Miranda Rosetta Miranda Thomas Miranda |
For each of whom John H. Kinzie is Trustee |
300 200 300 400 |
Alexander Muller, Gholson Kercheval, trustee | 800 | |
Paschal Muller, do. do. [do. is short for ditto; one is under "Gholson Kercheval," the other under "trustee".] | 800 | |
Margaret Muller | 200 | |
Socra Muller | 200 | |
Angelique Chevalier | 200 | |
Josette Chevallier | 200 | |
Joseph Chevalier | 400 | |
Fanny Leclare (Captain David Hunter, Trustee) | 400 | |
Daniel Bourassa's children | 600 | |
Nancy Contraman Sally Contraman Betsey Contraman |
For each of whom J. B. Campbell is Trustee | 600 |
Alexis Laframboise | 800 | |
Alexis Laframbois' children | 1200 | |
Mrs. Mann's children | 600 | |
Mrs. Mann (daughter of Antoine Ouilmet) | 400 | |
Geo. Turkey's children (Fourtier) Th. J. V. Owen Trustee | 500 | |
Jacques Chapeau's children do. do. | 600 | |
Antonie Roscum's children | 750 | |
Francois Burbonnais' Senrs. children | 400 | |
Francis Burbonnais' Jnr. children | 300 | |
John Bt. Cloutier's children, (Robert A. Kinsie Trustee) | 600 | |
Claude Lafromboise's children | 300 | |
Antoine Ouilmet's children | 200 | |
Josette Ouilmot (John H. Kinzie, Trustee) | 200 | |
Mrs. Welsh (daughter of Antoine Ouilmet) | 200 | |
Alexander Robinson's children | 400 | |
Billy Caldwell's children | 600 | |
Mo-ah-way | 200 | |
Medare B. Beaubien | 300 | |
Charles H. Beaubien | 300 | |
John K. Clark's Indian children, (Richard J. Hamilton, Trustee) | 400 | |
Josette Juno and her children | 1000 | |
Angelique Juno | 300 | |
Josette Beaubien's children | 1000 | |
Mah-go-que's children (James Kinzie, Trustee) | 300 | |
Esther, Rosene and Eleanor Bailly | 500 | |
Sophia, Hortense and Therese Bailly | 1000 | |
Rosa and Mary children of Hoo-mo-ni-gah wife of Stephen Mack | 600 | |
Jean Bt. Rabbu's children | 400 | |
Francis Chevallier's children | 800 | |
Mrs. Nancy Jamison and child | 800 | |
Co-pah, son of Archange | 250 | |
Martha Burnett (R. A. Forsyth, Trustee) | 1000 | |
Isadore Chabert's child (G. S. Hubbard Trustee) | 400 | |
Chee-bee-quai or Mrs. Allen | 500 | |
Luther Rice and children | 2500 | |
John Jones | 1000 | |
Pierre Corbonno's Children | 800 | |
Pierre Chalipeaux's children | 1000 | |
Phoebe Treat and children | 1000 | |
Robert Forsyth of St. Louis Mo | 500 | |
Alexander Robinson | 5000 | |
Billy Caldwell | 5000 | |
Joseph Laframboise | 3000 | |
Nis noan see (B. B. Kercheval Trustee) | 200 | |
Margaret Hall | 1000 | |
James, William, David and Sarah children of Margaret Hall | 3200 | |
Margaret Ellen Miller, Mont- gomery Miller and Finly Miller, grandchildren of Margaret Hall. |
For each of whom Richard J. Hamilton of Chicago is Trustee |
800 |
Jean Letendre's children | 200 | |
Bernard Grignon | 100 | |
Josette Polier | 100 | |
Joseph Vieux, Jacques Vieux, Louis Vieux, and Josette Vieux each $100 | 400 | |
Angelique Hardwick's children | 1800 | |
Joseph Bourassa and Mark Bourassa | 200 | |
Jude Bourassa and Therese Bourassa | 200 | |
Stephen Bourassa and Gabriel Bourassa | 200 | |
Alexander Bourassa and James Bourassa | 200 | |
Elai Bourassa and Jerome Bourassa | 200 | |
M. D. Bourassa | 100 | |
Ann Rice and her Son William M. Rice and Nephew John Leib | 1000 | |
Agate Biddle and her children | 900 | |
Magdaline Laframboise and her son | 400 | |
Therese Schandler | 200 | |
Joseph Dailly's son and daughter Robert and Therese | 500 | |
Therese Lawe and George Lawe | 200 | |
David Lawe and Rachel Lawe | 200 | |
Rebecca Lawe and Maria Lawe | 200 | |
Polly Lawe and Jane Lawe | 200 | |
Appotone Lawe | 100 | |
Angelique Vieux and Amable Vieux | 200 | |
Andre Vieux and Nicholas Vieux | 200 | |
Pierre Vieux and Maria Vieux | 200 | |
Madaline Thibeault | 100 | |
Paul Vieux and Joseph Vieux | 200 | |
Susanne Vieux | 100 | |
Louis Grignon and his son Paul | 200 | |
Paul Grignon Sen'r. and Amable Grignon | 200 | |
Perish and Robert Grignon | 200 | |
Catist Grignon and Elizabeth Grignon | 200 | |
Ursal Grignon and Charlotte Grignon | 200 | |
Louise Grignon and Rachel Grignon | 200 | |
Agate Porlier and George Grignon | 200 | |
Amable Grignon and Emily Grignon | 200 | |
Therese Grignon and Simon Grignon | 200 | |
William Burnett (B. B. Kercheval Trustee) | 1000 | |
Shan-na-nees | 400 | |
Josette Beaubien | 500 | |
For the Chippewa,Ottawa, and Potawatamie Students at the Choctaw Academy. The Hon. R. M. Johnson to be the Trustee |
5000 | |
James and Richard J. Connor | 700 | |
Pierre Duverney and Children | 300 | |
Joshua Boyd's Children (Geo. Boyd Esq. to be the Trustee) | 500 | |
Joseph Bailly | 4000 | |
R. A. Forsyth | 3000 | |
Gabriel Godfroy | 2420 | |
Thomas R. Covill | 1300 | |
George Hunt | 750 | |
James Kinzie | 5000 | |
Joseph Chaunier | 550 | |
John and Mark Noble | 180 | |
Alexis Provansalle | 100 | |
One hundred thousand dollars | __________ $100,000 |
(Referred to in the treaty containing the sums payable to individuals,
on claims admitted to be justly due, and directed to be paid.)
[See Second Amendment, at end of this treaty.]
Dollars | ||
Brewster Hogan & Co | 343 | |
John S. C. Hogan | 50 | |
Frederick H. Contraman | 200 | |
Brookfield & Bertrand | 100 | |
R. E. Heacock | 100 | |
George W. McClure, U. S. A. | 125 | |
David McKee | 180 | |
Oliver Emmell | 300 | |
George Hollenbeck | 100 | |
Martha Gray | 78 | |
Charles Taylor | 187 | |
Joseph Naper | 71 | |
John Mann | 200 | |
James Walker | 200 | |
John Blackstone | 100 | |
Harris & McCord | 175 | |
George W. Dole | 133 | |
George Haverhill | 60 | |
William Whistler, U. S. A. | 1000 | |
Squire Thompson | 100 | |
C. C. Trowbridge | 2000 | |
Louis Druillard | 350 | |
Abraham Francis | 25 | |
D. R. Bearss & Co. | 250 | |
Dr. E. Winslow | 150 | |
Nicholas Klinger | 77 | |
Joseph Porthier | 200 | |
Clark Hollenbeck | 50 | |
Henry Enslen | 75 | |
Robert A. Kinzie | 1216 | |
Joseph Ogie | 200 | |
Thomas Hartzell | 400 | |
Calvin Britain | 46 | |
Benjamin Fry | 400 | |
Pierre F. Navarre | 100 | |
C. H. Chapman | 30 | |
James Kinzie | 300 | |
G. S. Hubbard | 125 | |
Jacque Jenveaux | 150 | |
John B. Du Charme | 55 | |
John Wright | 15 | |
James Galloway | 200 | |
William Marquis | 150 | |
Louis Chevalier, Adm'r of J. B. Chevalier dec'd | 112 | |
Solomon McCullough | 100 | |
Joseph Curtis | 50 | |
Edward E. Hunter | 90 | |
Rachel Legg | 25 | |
Peter Lamseet | 100 | |
Robert Beresford | 200 | |
G. W. & W. Laird | 150 | |
M. B. Beaubien | 440 | |
Jeduthan Smith | 60 | |
Edmund Weed | 100 | |
Philip Maxwell, U. S. A. | 35 | |
Henry Gratiot | 116 | |
Tyler K. Blodgett | 50 | |
Nehemiah King | 125 | |
S. P. Brady | 188 | |
James Harrington | 68 | |
Samuel Ellice | 50 | |
Peter Menard, Maumee | 500 | |
John W. Anderson | 350 | |
David Bailey | 50 | |
Wm. G. Knaggs | 100 | |
John Hively | 150 | |
John B. Bertrand, Sen'r | 50 | |
Robert A. Forsyth | 3000 | |
Maria Kercheval | 3000 | |
Alice Hunt | 3000 | |
Jane C. Forsyth | 3000 | |
John H. Kinzie | 5000 | |
Ellen M. Wolcott | 5000 | |
Maria Hunter | 5000 | |
Robert A. Kinzie | 5000 | |
Samuel Godfroy | 120 | |
John E. Schwarz | 4800 | |
Joseph Loranger | 5000 | |
H. B. and G. W. Hoffman | 358 | |
Phelps & Wendell | 660 | |
Henry Johns | 270 | |
Benjamin C. Hoyt | 20 | |
John H. Kinzie, in trust for the heirs of Jos. Miranda, dec'd | 250 | |
Francis Burbonnais, Senr | 500 | |
Francis Burbonnais, junr | 200 | |
R. A. Forsyth, in trust for Catherine McKenzie | 1000 | |
James Laird | 50 | |
Montgomery Evans | 250 | |
Joseph Bertrand, jr | 300 | |
George Hunt | 900 | |
Benjamin Sherman | 150 | |
W. and F. Brewster, Assignees of Joseph Bertrand, Senr | 700 | |
John Forsyth, in trust for the heirs of Charles Peltier, dec'd | 900 | |
William Hazard | 30 | |
James Shirley | 125 | |
Jacob Platter | 25 | |
John B. Bourie | 2500 | |
B. B. Kercheval | 1500 | |
Charles Lucier | 75 | |
Mark Beaubien | 500 | |
Catharine Stewart | 82 | |
Francis Mouton | 200 | |
Dr. William Brown | 40 | |
R. A. Forsyth, in trust for heirs of Charles Guion | 200 | |
Joseph Bertrand, Senr | 652 | |
Moses Rice | 800 | |
James Connor | 2250 | |
John B. Du Charme | 250 | |
Coquilland & Comparet | 5000 | |
Richard J. Hamilton | 500 | |
Adolphus Chapin | 80 | |
John Dixon | 140 | |
Wm. Huff | 81 | |
Stephen Mack, in trust for the heirs of Stephen Mack, dec'd | 500 | |
Thomas Forsyth | 1500 | |
Felix Fontaine | 200 | |
Jacque Mette | 200 | |
Francis Boucher | 250 | |
Margaret Helm | 2000 | |
O. P. Lacy | 1000 | |
Henry and Richard J. Connor | 1500 | |
James W. Craig | 50 | |
R. A. Forsyth (Maumee) | 1300 | |
Antoine Peltier do. | 200 | |
R. A. Forsyth, in trust for Wau-se-on-o-quet | 300 | |
John E. Hunt | 1450 | |
Payne C. Parker | 70 | |
Isaac Hull | 1000 | |
Foreman Evans | 32 | |
Horatio N. Curtis | 300 | |
Ica Rice | 250 | |
Thomas P. Quick | 35 | |
George B. Woodcox | 60 | |
John Woodcox | 40 | |
George B. Knaggs | 1400 | |
Ebenezer Read | 100 | |
George Pomeroy | 150 | |
Thomas K. Green | 70 | |
William Mieure, in trust for Willis Fellows | 500 | |
Z. Cicott | 1800 | |
John Johnson | 100 | |
Antoine Antilla | 100 | |
John Baldwin | 500 | |
Isaac G. Bailey | 100 | |
James Cowen | 35 | |
Joseph D. Lane | 50 | |
T. E. Phelps | 250 | |
Edmund Roberts | 50 | |
Augustus Bona | 60 | |
E. C. Winter & Co. | 1850 | |
Charles W. Ewing | 200 | |
Antoine Ouilmett | 800 | |
John Bt. Chandonai, ($1000 of this sum to be paid to Robert Stuart, agent of American Fur Company, by the particular request of Jno. B. Chandonai,) | 2500 | |
Lowrin Marsh | 3290 | |
P. & J. J. Godfroy | 2000 | |
David Hull | 500 | |
Andrew Drouillard | 500 | |
Jacob Beeson & Co. | 220 | |
Jacob Beeson | 900 | |
John Anderson | 600 | |
John Green | 100 | |
James B. Campbell | 600 | |
Pierre Menard, Jun. in right of G. W. Campbell | 250 | |
George E. Walker | 1000 | |
Joseph Thebault | 50 | |
Gideon Lowe, U. S. A. | 160 | |
Pierre Menard, Jun | 2000 | |
John Tharp | 45 | |
Pierre Menard, Junr. in trust for Marie Tremblê | 500 | |
Henry B. Stillman | 300 | |
John Hamblin | 500 | |
Francois Pagê | 100 | |
George Brooks | 20 | |
Franklin McMillan | 100 | |
Lorance Shellhouse | 30 | |
Martin G. Shellhouse | 35 | |
Peter Bellair | 150 | |
Joseph Morass | 200 | |
John I. Wendell | 2000 | |
A. T. Hatch | 300 | |
Stephen Downing | 100 | |
Samuel Miller | 100 | |
Moses Hardwick | 75 | |
Margaret May | 400 | |
Frances Felix | 1100 | |
John B. Bourie | 500 | |
Harriet Ewing | 500 | |
Nancy Hedges | 500 | |
David Bourie | 500 | |
Caroline Ferry | 500 | |
Bowrie & Minie | 500 | |
Charles Minie | 600 | |
Francis Minie | 700 | |
David Bourie | 150 | |
Henry Ossum Reed | 200 | |
Francoise Bezion | 2500 | |
Dominique Rousseau | 500 | |
Hanna & Taylor | 1570 | |
John P. Hedges | 1000 | |
Francoise Chobare | 1000 | |
Isadore Chobare | 600 | |
Jacob Leephart | 700 | |
Amos Amsden | 400 | |
Nicholas Boilvin | 350 | |
Archibald Clyburn | 200 | |
William Conner (Michigan) | 70 | |
Tunis S. Wendall | 500 | |
Noel Vasseur | 800 | |
James Abbott, agent of the American Fur Company | 2300 | |
Robert Stewart, agent of the American Fur Company | 17000 | |
Solomon Jeauneau | 2100 | |
John Bt. Beaubien | 250 | |
Stephen Mack, Jnr. | 350 | |
John Lawe | 3000 | |
Alexis Larose | 1000 | |
Daniel Whitney | 1350 | |
P. & A. Grignon | 650 | |
Louis Grignon | 2000 | |
Jacques Vieux | 2000 | |
Laframboise & Bourassa | 1300 | |
Heirs of N. Boilvin, deceased | 1000 | |
John K. Clark | 400 | |
William G. and G. W. Ewing | 5000 | |
Rufus Hitchcock | 400 | |
Reed and Coons | 200 | |
B. H. Laughton | 1000 | |
Rufus Downing | 500 | |
Charles Reed | 200 | |
_______ | ||
One hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars | $175,000 |
The above claims have been admitted and directed to be paid, only in case they be accepted in full of all claims and demands up to the present date.
G. B. Porter, Th. J. V. Owen, William Weatherford. |
Agreeably to the stipulations contained in the 3d Article of the Treaty, there have been purchased and delivered at the request of the Indians, goods, provisions and horses to the amount of sixty-five thousand dollars (leaving the balance to be supplied in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, thirty-five thousand dollars.)
As evidence of the purchase and delivery as aforesaid under the direction of the said Commissioners, and that the whole of the same have been received by the said Indians, the said George B. Porter, Thomas J. V. Owen and William Weatherford, and the undersigned Chiefs and Head-men on behalf of the said United Nation of Indians have hereunto set their hands the twenty-seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.
G. B. Porter,
Th. J. V. Owen,
William Weatherford,
Jo-pen-e-bee, his x mark,
We-saw, his x mark,
Ne-kaw-nosh-kee, his x mark,
Wai-saw-o-ke-ne-aw, his x mark,
Ne-see-waw-bee-tuck, his x mark,
Kai-kaw-tai-mon, his x mark,
Tshee-Tshee-chin-be-quay, his x mark,
Joseph, his x mark,
Shab-e-nai, his x mark,
Ah-be-te-ke-zhic, his x mark,
E-to-won-cote, his x mark,
Shab-y-a-tuk, his x mark,
Me-am-ese, his x mark,
Wah-be-me-mee, his x mark,
Shim-e-nah, his x mark,
We-in-co, his x mark.
In presence of--
Wm. Lee D. Ewing, secretary to the commission,
R. A. Forsyth, U. S. Army,
Madn. F. Abbott,
Saml. Humes Porter,
Andw. Porter,
Joseph Bertrand, junr.
Jno. H. Kinzie,
James Conner, interpreter,
J. E. Schwarz, adjutant-general, M. M.
Fay, George E., ed. Treaties Between the Potawatomi Tribe of Indians and the United States of America, 1789 - 1867. Greeley, Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, 1971.
Kappler, Charles J., ed. Indian Treaties 1778-1883. Mattituck, New York, Amereon House, 1972.
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