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This list is incomplete; copies of all these are in possession of BWAKA group.
Buszard-Welcher, Laura and Mary Daniels. Bode'wadmimowen
zhechge'wen, De'men-gizes. 5-31-95.
Grammar modules sent to 7 bands language group.
Clifton, James A. Potawatomi. "Potawatomi" in Bruce E. Trigger, Handbook of North American Indians NE, vol 15, 1978. pp. 725-742.
Clifton, James. The Prairie People: Continuity and Change in Potawatomi Indian Culture, 1665-1965. 1977. Appendix A: The Potawatomi language AND Appendix B: Glossary.
Daniels, Billy, with Mary Daniels and John Nichols (ed.).
An Introduction to Wisconsin Potawatomi. June 1976.
Potawatomi Oral
Language Lessons 1975 was a working draft for this book.
Gailland, Maurice. Potewatemi Neme'winin ipi neme'nigamowinin. 1866.
Catholic prayerbook and hymnal
Hockett, Charles F. "Potawatomi I", " II", " III", and " IV." 1948, International Journal of American Linguistics 14, pp. 1-10, 63-73, 139-149, 213-225.
Hockett, Charles F. "What Algonquian is really like". 1966. International Journal of American Linguistics. Vol XXXII, No. 1, pp. 59-73.
Citizen Band Newspaper. Over a decade (mostly '70s) of language articles representing a variety of sources (and
Landes, Ruth. The Prairie Potawatomi: Tradition and Ritual in the Twentieth Century. Madison: U of Wisc P. 1970.
Lewis, Martha or Ted Cooper. Handwritten word list. 95
Dad got copy from Ted Cooper in 1994; TC attended classes with Martha Lewis, Jack Forty (William Wahzawkouk, teacher), Walter Cooper, North Topeka Indian Center, 1976 and 1977.
Lykins, Johnston. Gospel according to Matthew and Acts
of the Apostles. 1844.
This translation into Potawatomi is on our web site.
McKinney, James N. Jr. Two Potawatomi hymns. Manuscript.
Jim translated/wrote Potawatomi words to hymn tunes.
Perott, Don. Audiotape Language Lesson.
Taped for Citizen Band Potawatomis. Language used on tape introduction is verbatim ALLCAPS word list.
Skinner, Alanson. "The Mascoutens, or Prairie
Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee (four articles)
Skinner is heavily culture(anthro); lots of names; ceremonies with
parts written out in Potawatomi; oral legends.
Baraga, Rev. Bishop F., and Rev. John B. Weikamp. Katolik Anamie-Masinaigan: A Catholic Prayerbook and Catechism in the Otchipwe-Indian Language. nd.
(old!) (Ojibwe source)
Many of these materials were collected during the month of July, 1995. Additional materials were gathered before and after the KHC grant collection period. Materials are listed in two sections: Written data (published and unpublished) and Recorded data (audiotape and videotape). We also add a section of Resulting Materials, documents and other materials that we have produced with this data.
Our thanks to the Kansas Humanities Council and their Heritage Grant that provided funding for our data collection.
Written data
Martha Lewis word list from 1976 lessons conducted with Jack Forty in Topeka, Kansas. Handwritten notes, by Ted Cooper (?)
Julia Levier word list, from same 1976 lessons.
ALL CAPS word list (for lack of a better name).
Our copy does not list a source. Don Perrot's tape (for Citizen Band)
uses exact language of some of these sheets. Listed words are also found
in How-Ni-Kan, the Citizen Band Newsletter, over a period of more than
ten years.
Scott Aiken dictionary/word list (not received yet)
Jim Goodtracks (?); four sheets received from Leonard McKinney
Alanson Skinner words from "Mascoutens, Or Prairie Potawatomi", published in Bulletin of Public Museum of Milwaukee, 1924-26.
Jim McKinney, variety of writings including: hymn translations, common phrases, grammar, and Potawatomi language lessons
Maurice Gailland, 1866. Potewatemi Neme'winin ipi neme'nigamowinin.
Catholic prayers and hymns in Potawatomi; the entire book is available on our web site.
Johnston Lykins, 1844. Gospel according to Matthew and Acts of the Apostles in Potawatomi
Billy Daniels, Wisconsin NA Language Project, word list from language instruction book
Recorded data
Tape One (Videotape, 2 hrs) -- Joe Lewis songs 7-21-95; Lorenzo Mattawaoshe 7-27-95; Luetta Jessepe 7-28-95
Tape Two (Audiotape, ___ hours) -- Three Ladies (Meeks, Sarah, Jane) 7-19-95; Maynard Potts tape 7-19-95; Leonard McKinney three tapes 7-21-95
Tape Three (Videotape, 2 hrs) -- Jim McKinney grammar 7-24-95
Tape Four (Videotape, 2 hrs) -- Jim McKinney dictionary words 11-24-95
Tape Five (Videotape, 2 hrs) -- Lorenzo Mattawaoshe 1-6-94; Joe Lewis, Prayer, Videotape "Ozawkie Days," 10-2-93, Copy of VT belonging to Ken Lopez. Jim McKinney various, including Lord's prayer (?) (date?)
Tape Six (Audiotape, ___ hrs) -- Isaac Bennick tape; Woman (Wisconsin?) speaking gospel message in Potawatomi; Don Perrot language tape made for Citizen Band
Tape Seven & Eight (Audiotapes, ___ hrs) -- Jim McKinney Kansas City lessons (credit to Billy Daniels materials)
Resulting Materials
Potawatomi hypercard stack(s) -- animals, foods, basic words, pictures and sounds (downloadable stack forthcoming)
Orthography explanation
On line; see our bode'wadmimo speak Potawatomi pages
Potawatomi Home: Interactive Language Lessons (script)
Basic PBP Dictionary/Word List
Our on line dictionary
Coloring Numbers book
Research methodology papers
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