bode'wadmimo speak Potawatomi nIshnabe'k The People mzenegenek books |
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nizhokmake'wen resources/help Home Page: news & updates BWAKA - about us |
It may be in any of several colors but if you click on a bullet like this one you will hear a Potawatomi word or phrase that corresponds to the text.
We gather most of the links we believe you will want at the top and bottom of our pages; our eagle symbol will draw your attention to our links sections.
New! We use this icon to flag features most recently added to the website or expanded.
Information! This icon designates more technical information on these web pages (such as how to set up your system to use these pages, what buttons/gizmos are and do, stats on page usage, etc.). If you already know this stuff, just skip over these sections. .
Enlarge your window to the full width of your screen (do it now; you should be able to see all of the beaded belt rule/header below). This makes many of pictures and tables easier to view, since we attempt to stay within that boundary.
If you have trouble reading text: backgrounds and color changes make text difficult to read in B/W and low-res color monitors. You can configure your browser to override downloaded backgrounds (in Netscape, go to Options--Preferences--Colors) if the text is garbled or lost on your screen. You can also set a Powerbook 520 to color instead of B/W, even with the mono screen, and that helps.
One of the most important facets of an effective language tool is being able to hear the words. From the beginning, we have attempted to include sound files of many Potawatomi words and phrases throughout these pages. Watch for these sound links.
The point of all this is that you need to have a sound utility installed before you click on one of our sound buttons for it to work. Clicking on the button will download the .au file, start the sound utility (if it's not already active), and play it once. For a repeat, use the Play button in SoundMachine instead of clicking on our button again (which adds another file to the queue). To return to the web, just click on that screen, leaving your sound application active for later sounds.
In a PC/Windows environment, each sound file you play will start up a new copy of the sound utility and each copy will remain active until you turn it off, although the icon will disappear behind the browser program. This will eat up your memory and cause your computer to grind to a halt after a while, so turn off each sound file as you finish it by closing its window.
There is a significant difference between browsers. You may have noticed. We recommend using Netscape. Whatever browser you use, if possible, use a recent version. Enhancements are made frequently to the standards used to develop websites and an updated version of your browser program is more likely to support them.
If your browser does not support "Frames" and you intend to make use of our hypertexts in the Potawatomi language, they will be more useful to you if you can upgrade your browser to a version that supports this feature. However, we will continue to provide support for those of you who cannot access "Frame" pages.
We pass on tips on the problems we have encountered. If you have a problem with this site, please let us know. And if you had a problem and solved it and would like to share your solution with others, tell us about it and we will add it to this page.
bode'wadmimo speak Potawatomi nIshnabe'k The People mzenegenek books |
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nizhokmake'wen resources/help Home Page: news & updates BWAKA - about us |