Family History
The Samuel Collins - Patrick Laughlin Incident
The Samuel Collins - Patrick Laughlin Incident
Summary: a complilation of accounts from various sources concerning what has
been called the first political murder in Kansas in which Samuel Collins, a
supporter of the free-state cause, was murdered in Doniphan, Kansas in the
fall of 1855 by Patrick Laughlin who had posed as a free-state supporter,
but in fact was a spy for the pro-slavery forces.
The Heritage Server would like to thank Don Collins for providing this
information about his great, great grandfather, Samuel Collins. 21-NOV-1994.
Donald E. Collins, 5400 W. Hustis Street, Apt. E, Milwaukee, WI 53223
e-mail: dcollins@earth.execpc.com
The Samuel Collins - Patrick Laughlin Incident
Summary: a complilation of accounts from various sources concerning what has
been called the first political murder in Kansas in which Samuel Collins, a
supporter of the free-state cause, was murdered in Doniphan, Kansas in the
fall of 1855 by Patrick Laughlin who had posed as a free-state supporter,
but in fact was a spy for the pro-slavery forces.
The Heritage Server would like to thank Don Collins for providing this
information about his great, great grandfather, Samuel Collins. 21-NOV-1994.
Donald E. Collins, 5400 W. Hustis Street, Apt. E, Milwaukee, WI 53223
e-mail: dcollins@earth.execpc.com
My great great grandfather, Samuel Collins, was born October 28, 1810 in
Gallia County, Ohio, the youngest child of Jesse Collins and Jenny Ewing. In
1830 the Collins family moved with others to Madison County, Indiana later
settling in Hancock County. On September 4, 1831 Samuel Collins married
Sidney Ingels, the daughter of Joseph and Nancy Crooks Ingels, in Madison
County. Later in 1842 Samuel and Sidney Collins moved to Gentry County,
Missouri and still later, about 1853, to Andrew County. Then in the Spring
of 1855 they moved across the river to Doniphan, Kansas where Samuel,
perhaps under the auspices of the Massachusetts Immigrnt Aid Society, set up
the first steam saw-mill in Kansas. One history of Doniphan County calls the
saw mill "a very complete affair for the times and cost not far from ten
thousand dollars." He is also said to have assisted, perhaps as a lay
preacher, the Rev. A. L. Downey who established the first Methodist Church
in Doniphan.
Samuel Collins was very active in Free-State politics and during the summer
of 1855. Several of the special elections held his section of Doniphan
County mention his name, sometimes as an election official and sometimes
because his saw mill served as a polling place. During that summer he was
one of several persons elected to be delegates to a Free State party
convention to be held in October at Big Springs. Another delegate elected
from Doniphan was a man from Kentucky by the name of Patrick Laughlin.
Laughlin was also elected as a free-stater. He and Samuel Collins attended
the Big Springs Convention together passing through Potawatamie on their
journey to pick up another free-state delegate who was a son of the famous
John Brown who would arrive in Kansas a few months later. Samuel Collins and
Pat Laughlin both served on the Platform Committee at the Convention and
from the report of the committee, it is clear that he and many of his
free-state colleagues, while opposed to slavery, still held very prejudiced
views of blacks.
As the documents below will show, Laughlin was in reality a spy for the
pro-slavery forces and revealed himself as such a few days later in the
incident at the office of Dr. Oscar Brown in Doniphan. This argument led to
the confrontation the following morning on the main street of Doniphan in
which Samuel Collins was killed by Laughlin and his friends. Following are
several accounts of the incident at Doniphan which took place prior to the
better known Coleman - Dow episode. Most of the many accounts of Samuel
Collins' death are written from either a free state or a pro slavery point
of view. It seems likely that a more object ive idea of what actually
happened emerges when one reads them all together.
From Annals of Kansas by D. W. Wilder, Kansas Publishing House, Topeka,
Kansas, 1886.
Samuel Collins killed by Patrick Laughlin, new Doniphan. Laughlin claimed
originally to be a Free-State man, and became a member of the "Kansas
Legion". He afterwards exposed this Free-State organization, and became a
violent Pro-Slavery man. Gladstone thus describes the murder: "Mr. Collins,
who owned a saw-mill at Doniphan, was shot on political grounds by a violent
Pro-Slavery man, named Patrick Laughlin. Laughlin cane, it is said,
originally from Ireland, and had rendered himself famous by an exposure, as
it was termed, of the Kansas Legion. Laughlin was aided in this attack by
three or four
armed as sociates, and Mr. Collins's sons were present, and sought to defend
their father. There was considerable interchange of bowie-knife cuts and
pistol-firing on this occasion, and the murderer himself was wounded. But
the victim being a Free-State man, the law took no cognizance of the murder,
and Laughlin found protection, and was rewarded by a situation in a shop in
Atchison." This is the first political murder in Kansas, and the victim is a
Free-State man.
The following account is from the November 7, 1855 edition of the Daily
Kansas Freeman:
We learn by a gentleman who has just arrived from the North part of the
Territory, that a serious affray occurred on Thursday last at Doniphan city.
The parties were Patrick Laughlin and Samuel Collins. Laughlin professed to
have made known to the public the secrets of a Free State organization in
Kansas. Collins charged him with being a traitor &c.;--whereupon Laughlin
drew a pistol and shaped it at Collins. Collins then drew a bowie knife and
rushed towards Laughlin, and cut him severely. Laughlin then shot Collins
dead on the spot. Laughlin was wounded severely and is not expected to
survive. It is also reported that several other persons were engaged in the
affray, and a few of them were wounded.
From Gray's Doniphan County History:
"In the spring of 1855, Samuel Collins set up the first saw mill. In
November of the same year he was killed in a political quarrel."
From page 474 of the History of the State of Kansas published in Chicago in
1883 by A. T. Andreas:
In 1855 an association was formed by certain disaffected parties in Doniphan
for the purpose of opposing obnoxious laws. This body was known as the
Danites; Patrick Laughlin, a tinsmith of the town, joined this Society, but
on becoming aware of its full purpose became disgusted and openly proclaimed
all of its secrets. For this the Danites vowed vengeance, and Samuel
Collins, who was the owner of a saw-mill on the river, declared that
Laughlin should confess that his revelations were lies or die. On the
evening of November 28, 1855, Collins met Laughlin but was unarmed, and
after repeating his threats said that he "would come around in the morning
and one of them would breakfast in h--l." The next day, after waiting some
time, Laughlin concluded that Collins had forgotten the matter and started
to cross the street to his boarding house; in the middle of the street he
was met by Collins who at once attempted to shoot him but failed through his
weapon missing fire. Collins then drew a knife and stabbed Laughlin so
severely, as to bring him to his knees. Before the could proceed further a
friend of Laughlin, named Lynch, stepped from the sidewalk and fired a
"yager" at Collins. Although mortally wounded, Collins clubbed his gun and
struck his assailant a terrible blow on the head felling him to the ground.
Collins was then picked up by his friends and died in a short time; Laughlin
and Lynch, although both badly hurt, recovered. This was the end of the
From Chapter 4 of John Brown: The Making of a Martyr by the late Poet
Laureate of the United States, Robert Penn Warren. Published by Payson &
Clarke Ltd. New York, 1929 and reprinted in 1970 by the Scholarly Press in
St. Claire Shores, Michigan:
Up near the town of Atchison lived an Irishman by the name of Patrick
Laughlin, who for a while had been active in one of the secret societies
with which the region abounded. He had been elected as delegate to the Big
Springs Free State convention, and had attended along with Samuel Collins,
the vociferous proprietor of a sawmill at Doniphan. After the convention had
finished its business Laughlin returned by way of Lawrence, where G. W.
Brown, editor of the Herald of Freedom, exhibited to him Sharpe's rifles,
blue jackets, white trousers, drums, and all the paraphernalia of freedom.
Mr. Brown gave him four sealed books containing the constitution and ritual
of the grand encampment of the "Kansas Legion," which Laughlin was to
administer to Free State sympathizers at his home of Don iphan and in the
country north of that town. Laughlin was also to take statements from Free
State men concerning the conduct of elections and Missouri interference;
later he maintained that the men who gave him this information admitted it
to be exaggerated. Laughlin did not organize the project encampments of the
"Legion," and after he suffered this change of heart, his sense of honor
somehow did not impel him to keep the secrets of the brotherhood to which he
had belonged.
On the night of October 24 Pat Laughlin went to the office of Dr. Oscar
Brown--the Territory seemed full of Browns--to get medicine. Samuel Collins,
who had heard of Laughlin's disclosures, dropped in. Collins remarked that a
certain James Foreman had given Laughlin a cow to change his politics, and
the accused made an appropriate retort. The lie was passed several times. A
friend of Collins, James Lynch, tried to smooth matters out and got a threat
for his pains. "God damn you, I will kick every rib in you out of you!"
Lynch was a sensitive chap and once said that this embarrassed him very much
coming from the mouth of a friend. Collins left the office with a promise to
Laughlin: "You or I will land in hell before breakfast tomorrow morning."
Mr. Lynch overcame his embarrassment and rushed out to get a peace warrant
on the fire-eating Collins; he told the constable that the specified time
was before breakfast. The night was cold, with the hardest fall freeze John
Brown had ever seen south of Elba, but Laughlin was in the street before
breakfast with a bucket of flour on his arm. Collins rushed out from his
sawmill, brandishing a double-barrelled shot-gun, and demanded that Laughlin
take back a variety of his previously expressed sentiments. "I haven't got
anything to take back, said Laughlin, and his adversary aimed at the
point-blank range of six yards. The gun clicked. There was a little
one-sided knife play, with Laughlin dodging around, dangling his bucket,
until Collins stabbed him in the left side. Collins again raised the gun
with the idea of finishing his job. This time the gun went off, but Foreman,
the alleged donor of the political cow, had knocked down the barrel so that
the charge entered the ground at Laughlin's feet. Lynch, who had been
aroused by the shout that Collins was going to kill everybody in town, fired
from a doorway. The shot spattered on a board wall, Collins laid his
sensitive friend out with the butt of his shot-gun and charged Laughlin. The
victim of Collins' bowie knife now ran no chances. He got his pistol out ,
took cool aim, and fired. Collins dropped his upraised gun-barrel, and
clasped his arms about his chest, crying, "O Lord." He wavered in his tracks
for a moment and then sank dying to the ground. Mr. Collins' son clubbed
Laughlin. His nephew threw a half-brick at the prostrate Irishman.
Laughlin's brother got hold of the pistol, fired at the nephew, and
deliberately presented it at the son. Young Collins threw up his hands.
"Don't shoot me. He's killed my father!" Laughlin's brother lowered his gun.
"The ground was covered with blood," said a witness, like one had been
butchering a hog."
The excitement did not die down quickly. No one took out a warrant for
Laughlin, but there were threats of summary justice for both him and Lynch
from Free State sympathizers. The house where he lay was guarded, and as
soon as possible he was moved over the Missouri line to St. Joseph. The news
of the bloody matter must have reached Brownsville just before John Brown
wrote his letter home on November 2: "I feel more and more confident that
slavery will soon die out here,...and to God be the praise!" It is
interesting to speculate what John Brown's sentiments were in the light of
his own Masonic adventure and the murder of William Morgan; it is not at all
unlikely that those sentiments were, logically, somewhat inconsistent. In
any case the incident became grist for the Free State mill.
The following account is from the pro-slavery "Squatter Sovereign" published
at Atchison by J. H. Stringfellow, from Weston, Missouri and Robert S. Kelly
from Newport, New Hampshire:
On Monday of last week a fight came off at Doniphan, in which bowie knives
were used freely. The difficulty arose out of a political discussion, the
combatants being a pro-slavery man and a free soiler. Both parties were
badly cut, and we are happy to state that the free soiler is in a fair way
to peg out, while the pro-slavery man is out and ready for another tilt.
Kansas is a hard road for free soilers to travel.
The following account is found in a chapter of The Illustrated Doniphan
County History about the founding of Methodist churches in area:
"The same year that Reverend Goode was made Presiding Elder of the
Kansas-Nebraska District, 1854, the first Methodist service was held in
Doniphan County in the tent of Chief Wathena on Peters Creek. The Indians
were fervent converts, once the idea of religion was thoroughly understood
and imbued. The following year three churches were organized; one at
Smithton by Rev. Hiram Burch, one at Doniphan by Rev. A. L. Downey, and one
at Palermo, but the name of the pastor is not obtainable, although it was
probably one of the above. Rev. Downey of Doniphan was ably assisted in his
work at that place by Rev. Samuel Collins, who set up the first saw mill in
that town. Politics were a serious issue in those days, and Mr. Collins met
a tragic death in the autumn of 1855, being shot to death by an unseen
Another account of Samuel Collins' death comes from a book entitled, The
Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and Her Allies by William Phillips, who was a
special correspondent of the New York Tribune, for Kansas:
Early in the summer of 1855, a young Irishman, named Patrick Laughlin, who
lived in the territory near Doniphan, became an active participant in the
free-state movement. He had been reputed a proslavery man at first, but
affected to be impressed in favor of freestate principles out of sympathy
with the free-state men, and condemnation of the conduct of Missouri. After
the March election, meetings were held in all parts of the territory to
discuss the state of affairs and devise a remedy. Into these meetings
Laughlin intruded himself under pretense of being a convert to the cause.
Mr. Laughlin is a young man under thirty. He has resided in Kentucky, in
which state I believe he kept a grocery for a short time. His person is
rather under middle height, and thick-set. His head is large, face rather
flabby, red and pimpled. He exhibited some little ability, had received a
good common education, would speak passably well, and was possessed of an
unusual amount of cunning. In the free-state meetings he pretended to have
been converted from the pro-slavery faith by the outrages of the
Missourians, and was, under the circumstances, willing to work to make
Kansas a free state. During the summer he was elected one of the delegates
from Doniphan precinct to the Big Springs Convention....
Several secret military organizations were formed. The most important of
these was the Kansas Legion. Its object was to enroll men to be ready at any
moment for the defense of the territory. It also had signs and passwords, by
which one member could appeal to others for assistance in case he was
attacked by the common enemy. They were bound by an obligation to secrecy.
This organization, which has acquired some celebrity, never held the
position in the territory which it is often supposed to have held. It was
short in its duration, and, while most flourishing, was limited in extent as
regards the territory. Many of those who enrolled in it disapproved of its
unnecessary secrecy, got tired of its useless requirements and formality,
and, while they saw nothing really improper in its character or objects,
contended that these would be better served with independent companies.
Besides, its secrecy and mode of operating gave an opportunity of filling
important places in it to men who had not the confidence of their respective
communities. It was, to some extent, an imitation of the Blue Lodge of
Missouri, although unlike that body, it did not proposed to interfere with
the rights of others, but only to defend its own. From the secret character
of the organization, and the causes I have enumerated, it fell into
disrepute a few months after it was organized.
Into this Kansas Legion Pat Laughlin was admitted, and succeeded so far in
gaining confidence that he was chosen to form several new encampments, and
did so. At the Big Springs Convention he made most zealous declarations in
favor of free-state principles, and was placed on some of the most important
committees. Returning to Doniphan, Laughlin formed an encampment or branch
of the Kansas Legion, and administered the oath of secrecy to a considerable
number of the citizens of that place, whom the necessity for defense and the
novelty of the mode proposed induced to join it. Amongst those thus
initiated was a Mr. Collins, who had a saw-mill in Doniphan. Mr. Collins was
a Western man, a prominent free-state man in that locality, and became an
officer in the Legion referred to.
At what particular moment Pat Laughlin concluded to desert the cause in
which he was thus actively engaged, or whether he had been all along a spy
and a traitor, is and must remain a mystery. His own statements, about an
awakened conscientiousness and sudden opening of his eyes to the evils of
this organization , are clearly incredible. His neighbors in Doniphan do not
hesitate to state that he was bought up, and even specify, amongst other
articles received, a cow. Whether such purely mercenary motives prevailed
with him, or if he felt that he could, in the position and with the power
entrusted to him, make more by going back to the pro-slavery men than by
remaining, is a matter of no consequence. He began to covenant with the
pro-slavery men, not only about Doniphan but in Atchison and over in
Missouri, and after due deliberation published his expose, which obtained no
little notoriety at the time, from the fact that the pro-slavery press were
anxious to publish anything that would, or might, militate against the
free-state men. In this publication Laughlin not only distorted the facts,
but made many mis-statements; still a perusal of his expose offers noting
particularly remarkable.
Had Laughlin remained content with making the expose, it probably would have
elicited nothing more than the hearty contempt of all with whom he had been
acting. He was taken by the hand, patronized by the pro-slavery leaders, who
doubtless intended to turn his peculiar qualities to account. While thus
acting with these men he was secretly intriguing with the enemies of the
free-state men about Doniphan, and fomenting in the bosoms of the violent
borderers hostility to these men, thus endangering their personal safety. It
was at this stage of affairs that Mr. Collins chanced to meet Laughlin in
the office of a physician. As was natural, violent words passed between
them, and there would probably have been violence of some kind but for the
interference of the bystanders.
It was on the ensuing morning, the 25th of October, that the unhappy
recounter took place. Laughlin's pro-slavery friends assert that Collins was
armed and seeking Laughlin when the affair happened, but the fact of its
occurrence close to the saw-mill of Mr. Collins, where the latter gentleman
and his sons were employed, and the fact that Laughlin and three or four
other pro-slavery men were there, armed, makes it certain that they came
there armed. That Collins was also armed and prepared for a conflict is
likely. After they had come together, and warm words had passed between
them, it is probable that they might have parted peaceably had not Laughlin
thrown an insulting remark towards Collins. The latter instantly turned on
him. A pro-slavery man, who stood thirty yards off, fired at Collins, and it
is supposed hit him. Collins discharged his gun without effect, and as
Laughlin drew a pistol and pointed it at Collins, the latter grasped his gun
by the barrel and advanced on him, when Laughlin fired. Collins fell dead,
and his sons and nephews fled, but not till there had been some more firing
and fighting with bowie-knives, in which several were wounded on both sides.
Laughlin was seriously wounded with a knife early in the scuffle.
Meanwhile, Laughlin was taken to the town of Atchison, where, after he had
recovered, he was employed as a salesman in a pro-slavery man's store.
Because of the magnitude of the events in Kansas and their importance for
national politics in this decade just before the outbreak of the Civil War,
a special committee of the Congress was empaneled to investigate the
"Troubles in Kansas". The report of the committee comprises a volume of more
than 1200 pages which was published in Washington in 1856. Most of the
testimony concerning the murder of Samuel Collins is biased due to the fact
that those interviewed by the committee were all part of the Pro-Slavery
John Lynch called and sworn.
To Mr. Scott:
I reside at Doniphan city, in this Territory, and have resided there since
March, 1855. I was there at the time of the difficulty in which Samuel
Collins was killed. I was in Dr. Brown's office the night before Collins was
killed. Up to that time Mr. Collins and myself had been on very friendly
terms, though we were of different politics. I was sitting down in a chair
with my legs crossed, in Dr. Brown's office, when Collins was advancing
towards me, as I supposed, to attack Laughlin, who was behind me, and
between whom and Collins some very hard words had just passed, the lie being
several times passed between them. Mr. Collins was standing close to me, and
I thought Laughlin, from the sound of his voice, was almost directly behind
me, which made me afraid to change my position. I requested Mr. Collins not
to run over me. He said, "Damn you, I will kick every rib in you out of
you." I could not say anything I was so embarrassed at that. I still
remained in the chair, and did not leave the office until Mr. Collins had
left it. As Collins left the house, he stood in the door and shaking his
finger at me, he said "Damn you, I will take your life." I made no reply to
him and he left. I also left and went with Mr. Laughlin to Squire Vandevere
and got out a peace warrant against Collins, and then I put in the hands of
a constable, and told him where I understood the threats would be put in
execution, and requested him to be in before that time.
I was at my breakfast the next morning in one of the rooms of the hotel,
when I heard some yelling out of doors. I heard some one say that Mr.
Collins was going to kill everybody in town. I looked out of the window and
then rushed out of the door, supposing I was one of the threatened. When I
got out of doors I saw Mr. Collins flourishing a knife before Mr. Laughlin.
I could not say what Mr. Laughlin was doing, but I thought he was dodging
behind Mr. Foreman, who seemed to be trying to intercede between them. This
was between thirty and forty feet from the hotel, perhaps fifty feet. As my
life had been threatened the night before, I seized my gun when I got up
from the breakfast table, and took it with me out of doors, and when I got
to the corner of the hotel in sight of the parties, I fired it in the
direction of Mr. Collins. I then advanced, and we met each other and struck
at each other with our guns, which we had clubbed, and I fell, and I know
nothing of what took place there afterwards. From the threats that had been
made against my life, I shot at Collins in what I considered a necessary
defence of my life. I cannot tell whether I hit Mr. Collins or not.
Cross-examined by Mr. Howard:
My gun was a smooth bore shot gun. I do not know what it was loaded with, as
it had been loaded by some one else, and I suppose had been brought home
loaded. I do not know who had borrowed it, but I frequently loaned it to
persons to go duck hunting. I suppose I was between forty and fifty feet,
perhaps sixty feet, from Collins when I fired on him, and then we both
advanced towards each other.
James Lynch Leavenworth City, K.T., May 26, 1856.
Allen B. Lyon called and sworn.
To Mr. Scott:
I reside at Doniphan city, in Doniphan county, in this Territory; and was
there building a house in October and November, 1855, and was there at the
time of the difficulty between Patrick Laughlin, James Lynch, and Samuel
Collins, residents of Doniphan; in which difficulty Collins was killed. The
circumstances of the killing of Collins, so far as I know them, were these:
On the evening prior, I was in the office of Dr. Oscar Brown, where I slept.
Mr. Laughlin came in inquiring for the doctor. Mr. Collins came in about
fifteen minutes afterwards. Laughlin was lying on the bed, complaining of
being sick. Several gentlemen came in with Mr. Collins. After they had been
there some time, Laughlin got up and walked around near Collins, and
inquired of him why he had hailed him on the street the day before when
passing Collins' mill, and insulted him in the manner that he had. Collins
denied having done so. Laughlin declared he had, and he could not be
mistaken in the man at that distance. Collins then told he was a a damned
liar, and a damned perjured scoundrel, that he had published infamous lies
to the world, and that he (Collins) would make him take them all back; "or,"
said he, "you or I, one will land in hell"--or eternity, I forget
which-"before breakfast to-morrow morning." Laughlin told Collins he was a
damned liar; upon which Collins rose from the sofa upon which he was sitting
by my side, and advanced towards him. I caught Collins by the arm, and tried
to persuade him to desist. He sat down, but soon got up again; told Laughlin
to prepare himself; that he would be up in the morning early, and that he
would make him take back all he had said and published, stating that he was
not then armed, and he knew Laughlin was armed. Collins did not say what
publications of Laughlin's he alluded to. This was a few days after Laughlin
had published what purported to be an exposition of a secret military
society in the Territory; and, so far as I know, there was no other
publication of Laughlin's made at or about that time. Mr. Laughlin replied
to Collins that he had nothing to take back of what he had stated, and what
he had published was true; and has he had done nothing more than what every
honest man ought to do, he was not afraid to meet Collins in any way.
Collins made a statement in regard to Laughlin, that he understood James
Foreman had given Laughlin a cow to change his politics, and publish this
exposition. Laughlin told him he was a damned liar, and Collins started
towards him, as though he intended to attack him. Mr. Lynch, who was sitting
between the two, threw up his hands, and requested Mr. Collins not to
advance. Mr. Collins threatened to kick every rib out of Lynch's body; and
told him, damn him, he would kill him. Mr. Lynch immediately left the room,
and a few minutes afterwards Mr. Collins left, saying, as he went, that he
would certainly be back in the morning, and Laughlin should be ready. A
short time afterwards, we heard the report of a gun, and then while we
looked out of the window, I saw the flash and heard the report of two guns,
apparently in the yard of Mr. Collins' house. Mr. Lynch and Mr. Laughlin
went that night to get out a peace warrant against Collins. Early the next
morning, somewhere about sunrise, young Mr. Collins came over and told me he
wished to re-measure some lumber his father had sold me, stating that he
thought it had not been measured correctly. He went to the lumber pile, and
measured some small quantity, not one half of the lumber, and then young
Collins went back home. Laughlin at that time was standing in the main
street of Doniphan, about twenty steps from me, talking with Mr. James
Foreman and some others. A few minutes afterward, I started to breakfast.
When I got to the corner upon which the hotel stands, I met Mr. Collins, his
two sons, and a nephew. Mr. Collins had a double-barrel shot gun in his
hand, both barrels cocked. Mr. Laughlin was walking directly from Collins,
about twenty yards in advance, with his back towards Collins. I tried to
attract the attention of Mr. Collins , but he paid no attention to me. He
called to Laughlin, and said, "stop God damn you, and take back everything
you have said, or I will put sixteen through you," and kept advancing on him
all the time, frequently repeating his demand to Laughlin to take back what
he had said and published. Laughlin turned round, and stood with a bucket of
flour on his arm, and told Collins he had nothing to take back, and nothing
that he could take back. When within about six yards of him, Collins drew up
his gun, pointed it at Laughlin, and pulled one trigger; the gun did not go
off. He then rushed upon Laughlin, cursing furiously, drew a large knife
from his breast, flourished it in front of Laughlin's neck two or three
times, demanding that he should take back what he had said. Laughlin
refused, and he plunged the knife into Laughlin's left side. Laughlin
staggered several steps back, retreating from him. Collins then drew up his
gun again, and presented it at Laughlin; and as he pulled the trigger, Mr.
Foreman got his hand upon the barrel of the gun, and forced the muzzle down,
and the contents entered the ground between Laughlin's feet. At this moment
a gun was fired from the bar of the hotel. I heard the shot strike against
the fence on the opposite side of the street. Mr. Collins immediately
wheeled round, throwing up the breach of his gun, and advanced. Mr. Lynch
met him with a shot gun in his hand, holding it by the barrel. Mr. Collins
struck at Mr. Lynch who received the blow on his gun, and the breeches of
both guns were broken off. The next blow Mr. Collins knocked Mr. Lynch down.
It was not until Mr. Collins' attention was drawn towards Mr. Lynch that Mr.
Laughlin attempted to draw a weapon. I had been watching him very closely,
wondering why he did not do it before. After Mr. Collins had knocked Mr.
Lynch down, he turned round and advanced towards Laughlin, with the barrels
of his gun raised as for a blow. Mr. Laughlin had his pistol out and fired
at Mr. Collins, wo dropped his gun barrels and clasped his arms around his
breast, and cried out, "Oh, Lord!" He soon sank down on the ground, and died
in a few minutes. Mr. Laughlin was knocked down with a club, just after he
had fired his pistol, by son of Mr. Collins, I think. After Laughlin fell,
Mr. Collins' nephew threw a piece of brick at him, which just brushed his
hair. Mr. Laughlin's brother ran up at this moment, and seized the pistol
which had fallen out of the hands of his brother, and fired at Mr. Collins'
nephew, who was running away, and the ball just grazed the side of his neck.
He then turned and presented the pistol and young Collins, who had knocked
his brother down, who threw up both hands and asked him not to shoot, that
his father was dead, and he desisted. I then went up to Mr. Collins, opened
his bosom, saw that he had received several shot in his right side. The
fight then stopped, and those who had been shot and knocked down were then
carried away. The ground was covered with blood, like one had been
butchering a hog, and I thought there were at least three persons
killed--Collins, Laughlin and Lynch.
The town was in a state of disquiet and alarm for some weeks afterwards, in
consequence of what had taken place, and the threats that were made against
the lives of Laughlin and Lynch. While Mr. Laughlin was confined to his bed
at the house of Mr. James Foreman, some excitement was caused by the report
that some one had attempted to break into the house, whereupon a guard was
placed around the house to protect him. As soon as possible, Laughlin was
removed to St. Joseph, Missouri. I did not myself hear any threats made
against Laughlin and Lynch, but such was the rumor. The officer told me that
a peace warrant was taken out and placed in his hands to be used on Collins
the night before the fight, and he got into town a few minutes after the
fight had taken place. Collins was notorious for being a free State man.
Cross-examined by Mr. Howard:
I understood that Mr. Collins had been living in that neighborhood for some
months, and at the time he was killed was running a steam saw mill. I also
understood, that Mr. Laughlin had been living there for some months; both of
them were comparatively old residents, and had been free State men and
acting together up to a short time before this difficulty, when Laughlin had
changed his politics and published to the world what he styled an exposition
of a secret military organization, and had implicated Mr. Collins in it, as
colonel of the Doniphan regiment in that organization. Mr. Collins was from
Andrew county, Missouri, where I had been acquainted with him. Mr. Lynch was
from Kentucky, and was a pro-slavery man. Collins' two sons and his nephew
were free State men. Mr. James Foreman was a pro-slavery man. Mr. Foreman
tried to stop Mr. Collins as he first went towards Laughlin, and succeeded
in pushing down Collins' gun as he fired. He seemed to be using every effort
to prevent the shedding of blood. I think that this was a political
difficulty. Mr. Lynch and Mr. Collins seemed to be friendly up to the time
of the altercation in Mr. Brown's office. All seemed anxious to prevent the
shedding blood except Mr. Collins, his sons, and his nephew. On the morning
of the fight, one of the young Collins had a dogwood club in his hand about
four feet long, and as large round as a man's wrist. I did not notice
whether the other two young men had anything or not. I never learned why the
guns were fired in Collins' yard after he had left Brown's office.
A. B. Lyon
Leavenworth City, K.T., May 26, 1856.
Two days later, May 28, 1856, Patrick Laughlin himself testified before the
same Congressional Committee. The following are relevant excerpts from
Laughlin's testimony found beginning on page 905 of the report.
I came to Kansas Territory, from Kentucky, in May 1855, and settled at
Doniphan in June. When I first went there I was a pro-slavery man. I heard a
great deal of complaint by free-soilers of the laws being violated and
people coming over from Missouri to the election; sympathized very strongly
with them, and endeavored as far as I could to vindicate their cause. I
became notorious in the neighbor hood for vindicating their cause, and I
avowed myself a free-soiler about the middle of August,1855. We had a
district meeting of our party at the house of A. Larzelere. This meeting was
for the purpose of sending delegates to a free State convention, to be held
at Big Springs the 5th of September following. I acted as secretary of that
meeting, and elected as a delegate to go to that convention. I was solicited
the day following the meeting by several of the delegates to go ahead of
them several days, for the purpose of having some printing done, and seeing
what state the party was in, in other portions of the Territory. On the 27th
of August I started from Doniphan for Lawrence, where I was to remain until
the rest of the delegates came up. I stopped at Oceana, a place about ten
miles from Atchison and fifteen from Doniphan. I went into the store of
Messrs. Crosty; I had been told before getting there that these men were
Yankees and abolitionists. I went into his house and made known to him my
business; he then made me acquainted with a secret military organization, by
which he said the free State party was strengthened and enabled to carry our
their designs more effectually. After initiating me into this organization,
he gave me two books sealed up, also a letter of introduction to a man at
Grasshopper, all whose name I do not remember. I went there to deliver the
letter and books to the gentleman, whose name I now believe to be Whitney,
who was to gather a company together, and in the presence of this company I
was to open the seal around these books. The company was gathered the next
morning, about fourteen in number, and I broke the seal and administered
according to the directions of Mr. Crosty. I not having time to remain among
them, left them to elect their own officers, and organize their company. I
also had a letter of introduction to G. W. Brown, of the "Herald of
Freedom," from Mr. Crosty. I went on to Lawrence, and delivered the letter
to Mr. Brown; I told him that I was a member of the secret order. I then was
shown a good number of Sharp's rifles by Mr. Brown, who told me they were
sent out by the Emigrant Aid Company. I remained in Lawrence until the 5th
of September, when the convention before spoken of met; I went to this
convention and together, with Mr. Collins, of Doniphan, was put by our
delegation on the committee on platform, and several other committees. I was
also made a member of the executive committee, and was appointed it (sic) in
company with two (sic) Atkins, to act as a kind of governing committee, for
the north side of Kansas river. It was the duty of this committee to see
that all mails belonging to free State men of Kansas were to be carried
through with safety, and in order to do this it was necessary to appoint
mail carrier and other facilities....
After the convention was over I returned to Lawrence, and got four more
books of the same kind I got of Crosty, there being two packages of each.
These books contained the constitution and ritual of the grand encampment of
the Kansas Legion. I received them from G. W. Brown, editor of the "Herald
of Freedom," with instructions that I was not to break the seals until I had
organized two subordinate encampments, when I was to break the seals, and
deliver one package to the colonel of each encampment. I was to organize one
at Doniphan, and one in the territory north of Doniphan, at any place I
might think to be a suitable point. I organized one at Doniphan the day that
I returned, and delivered as directed. I then went out into the Territory to
organize another, but after being out about six miles I returned back to
Doniphan, where I broke open the seal and read the constitution and ritual
for the first time. I did not organize any in the county afterwards. At the
meeting at which I was appointed delegate to the Big Springs convention the
arguments of Dr. G. A. Cutler, C. W. Steward, A Larzelere, B. Harding, and
others, were to urge the necessity of a secret society, something on the
order of the Know-nothings, by which they could unite their force and labor
more effectually against the pro-slavery party. This idea was received with
acclamation by all of them except myself. I being an Irishman myself by
birth, was opposed to the measure, as it was too much like Know-nothingism,
and told them it they pressed it they would find me their most inveterate
enemy. They said they had better do without it; that they were too feeble to
have any disturbance in their ranks. We had several speeches from those I
have named, together with S. Collins, John Free, and B. G. Cady. They told
us we must do all we could to keep slavery out of Kansas, and sooner than
permit slavery in Kansas, or even submit to the repeal of the Missouri
compromise, they ought to go for a disunion, and to take up arms against the
authorities, and, in order to effect this purpose, they would shed the last
drop of their blood, as they out to do. Those speeches were received with
applause. When Mr. Brown showed me the rifles at Lawrence he told me that
they would continue to send arms, men, and means to make Kansas a free State
by force, if necessary. He told me that these arms and munitions of war were
sent as dry goods to the agents of the Emigrant Aid Society, who received
them and gave them out to the people, and gave as a reason why there were
thus secretly sent was that they might not be detected by the United States
It was immediately after I returned from the convention at Big Springs that
I turned back and would not organized a regiment back of Doniphan. After
that I took the statements I have referred to. I did not communicate my
intention not to organize any more regiments to any one until some time in
October, when I left the free State party and have since acted with the
pro-slavery party. I was present at the siege of Lawrence when the free
State hotel was destroyed, and would have been present at the first if I had
been able. I have held no office in the Territory except under the executive
committee of the free State party.
To Governor King:
I am the individual who had the difficulty with Samuel Collins, at Doniphan,
about the first of November last, which resulted in his death. I know that
that difficulty grew out of the fact that I made such disclosures to the
public as I have referred to in my testimony.
Pat Laughlin
Leavenworth City, K.T., May 28, 1856.
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