Family History
Lafayette McCREARY Family History
The Kansas Heritage Server would like to thank Trudy McCreary
for contributing this material.
Lafayette McCreary born February 25, 1833 in Richland County, Ohio.
Married Elizabeth Jan Kittleman January 19, 1986 in Dunkirk, Hardin
County, Ohio. Served in the 4th Ohio infantry from June 4 1861 to
September 17, 1862. He died May 12, 1909 in Oswego, Kansas.
Elizabeth Jane Kittleman McCreary died December 19, 1908. They had 8
children. Rowland no known information. Charles McCreary no known
information. Frank McCreary no known information. Allie McCreary no
known information. Leota McCreary who married a Frazee in Oswego
Kansas. Harry McCreary no known information. Mary Jan McCreary born
January 20, 1867 in Dunkirk, Ohio maried Christopher Wolf September
1887 in Oswego, Kansa and died May 23, 1931 in Oswego, Kansas. Mary
Jane had two children. Gerturde who married a man named Moon, and
George Wolf who at the time of Mary Janes' death was still residing
on the homestead in Oswego, Kansas.The last child was William Henry
McCreary born May 6, 1865 in Dunkirk, Ohio married Mable Shipley on
October 27, 1888 in Oswego, Kansas and died October 21 1922 in Oswego,
Kansas. Mable Shipley died March 2, 1953 in Oswego, Kansas. To
this union was born 7 children. 1) George McCreary Sr. October 10,
1892 in Joplin, Mo. Married Opal Landreth January 22, 1916 in Oswego,
Kansas. He died July 19, 1954 in Wichita, Kansas. Opal died
October 13,1992 in Martinsburg, W. Virgina and was buried in Wichita,
Kansas. 2) Grace McCreary was born October 4, 1889 in Oswego, Kansas
and Married Perry Hodson in 1916 in Oswego, Kansas and died April 29,
1947 in Levenworth, Kansas. 3) Lee McCreary was born in 1898 in
Oswego, Kansas and died in 1938 in California and buried in Oswego
Kansas. 4) Mable McCreary was born February 1901 in Oswego and died
February 13, 1908 in Oswego, Kansas. 5) Margaret McCreary was born
December 10, 1909 in Oswego Married a Charles A. Stecking and died
December 6, 1990 in Wichita, Kansas and buried in Oswego Kansas. 6)
Elizabeth McCreary was born December 10 1909 in Oswego, married a
Floyd E. Davis and is still living in Kansas. 7) L. Edmund McCreary
was born March 8 1895 in Slloam Springs, Arkansas and Died October 15,
1918 in Heri Court, France in the service of our country, he was
buried in Oswego, Kansas.
This is only one of three families that homesteaded and still live in
Kansas. If this is not the proper form please let me know. We are
stopping and not listing any living relatives because we do not have
their permisssion to put that information on the net and would like
to respect their privacy. Thank-you for your time. Hope to here
from you.
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