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Acts of the Apostles

CE'PTU IX. Chapter 9
IwcI San me'kwa moshuk mcIkikito e'nshke'nmat ni ke'knomowacIn Te'pe'nke't kishie'wak ni kcI me'matmonIt. 1 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,
9:2 IwcI e'kintotmowat musInukInIn, shi nume'okumkok, ipi Te'me'skusuk, kishpIn wIiI mkuwat i e'shwe'psIncIn, tanak nInwun tanake' kwe'n, e'wipie'nat ipi e'witkopnat shi Cinose'ne'muk. 2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
9:3 E'nmupiskat kipie'wak ci kiiIkwan, Te'me'skIsuk kukaw’ wiiwuk kiwtayiukwan kiwawasnote'nI wase'anuk, kiwcIpie'mkItnI shpumuk 3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
9:4 IwcI kipmukocIn kik ipi kinotan kiki towun, otI kikItomkIt San, San, We'kwnicI we'c kwtuk, in? 4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
9:5 OtI cI okinan We'nicI kin, Te'pe'nke'n? Te'pe'nke't cI otI okinan. Nin sI Cisus, kin me'iashtotwin kcIsnukIt sn kin e'witkIshkwutwa kakawshiiuk. 5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
9:6 IwcI e'ie'nukshkat ipi e'‘ie'nmamkate'ntuk, otI kikito, Te'pe'nke'n, We'kwnicI e'ne'nmin e'wishowe'pse'an? Te'pe'nke't cI otI okinan, Psukwin ipi shian kcI otanuk, shiw cI kuwitmako watotmIn. 6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
9:7 Kiw cI nInwuk kap mI wice'wacuk kinipwik co kinI kikitosik e'notmowat i kikitowun wIiIcI kInwun e'pwawapmawat. 7 And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.
9:8 San cI shi kiwcI psukwi shi kik, icI kantuwapIt co wIiI nInwun, okiwapmasin, okipmIskInke'nawan icI e'kishonawat shi Te'me'skusuk 8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.
9:9 Nsokishuk cI co kine'ntuwapsi, coke', kiwisnIsi, ipi co kimnukwe'si. 9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.
9:10. Si Te'me'skusuk nkot kiuwak ke'knomowut E'ne'naye's, kishInkaso, Kshe'mIne'to otI okinan, kinaptum E'ne'nayus, otIcI kikito, PInI Te'pe'nke'n shotI ntIi’I. 10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.
9:11 Kshe'mIne'to cI otI, okinan, Psukwin ipi shian, shi otanmie'wuk TapasI e'shnukate'k, ipi natake'n shiw Cwte's e'tat nkot e'shmnukasot San, Tasus nInI, PInI win nume'wak! 11 And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth,
9:12 Win kinaptum e'wapmat, nkot nInI E'ne'naye's., e'shnukasot, e'pie'pitike'nIt, ipi okituwan onIce'n shi wiIuwuk e'wintawapnIt. 12 And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.
9:13 IwcI E'ne'naye's okinan, Te'pe'nke'n nkinotwak mce'sh, otI nInI mce'sh me'iante'nuk, e'kiwat tapwe'ie'ntukuk shi Cinose'ne'muk. 13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem:
9:14 Ipi shotI kshke'osuwun minkon ni kcIme'matmoncIn, e'wi tkopnat caye't ke'wawitkuk ktInoswunuk. 14 And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name.
9:15 NIshcI Te'pe'nke't otI okinan, Mumacin, Win kawe'uapmuk, e'wi pe'naotot, ntInoswIn e'nasmupnIt ni Me'ikIscIk ipi kcI okumak ipi Isne'iIn nicansIn. 15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
9:16 Nkawapta’a, tso ke'ko ke'ocI wiske'ntuk i ntInoswun. 16 For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.
9:17 IwcI E'ne'naye's kin mumacit kinmupitike' shi wikwamuk icI e'kitot, one'ce'n shi wiiwInuk otIcI okinan, Nikane' San Te'pe'nke't ie'i ipite'ntakwsIt Cisus, kawaptu’kon wia’w e'pic pie'shian shotI, nokanuk, e'wiocI ntawapian, ipi e'wi moshkIne'shkakwiIn PanakwsIt Cipam. 17 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
9:18 Kie'nup kipmukote'ne' shiw shkishkok ke'cwa onu’ke'iuk icI e'ki ntawapit kie'nup, ipi kipsukwi icI e'kikcItapie'nIt. 18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.
9:19 IwcI kawisnIt, kiwishkukine' icI San, okiwitokwan, ke'knomoncIn onatsokwIn, shi kaie'ncIn Te'me'skusuk. 19 And when he had received meat, he was strengthened. Then was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus.
9:20 Ipi kie'nup okimInwaciman KnaystIn shiw nume'okumkok win e'okwIsmukot Kshe'mIne'ton. 20 And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.
9:21 KicI caye'k kanotwacuk kimamkate'ntumwuk, ipi otI kikItwuk, ConI wi otI kanshonacat ni kawawitmInIt otI Noswun, shi Cinose'ne'muk, ipi shotI we'c piat e'witkopnat ipi e'wisha’otuwat ni kcI me'matmoncIn? 21 But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests?
9:22 NIshcI San wusimI kiwishkIsI ipi, kimamkate'nmukon ni CiwiIn shiw Te'me'skusuk kaie'ncIn kie'tnam kikIto owiie'o Knayst. 22 But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ.
9:23 IwcI kakish mce'ish tsokwnuktInuk katpIsanuk ki Ciwiuk okitshumawan e'winsawat. 23 And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him:
9:24 IwcI e'kuwapmukot, okikInman o San Ipi okikuwaptanawa ni shkwatame'n e'kishkiwuk, ipi e'pkoniak, e'winsawat. 24 But their laying await was known of Saul. And they watched the gates day and night to kill him.
9:25 IwcIci te'pwe'ie'ntukuk okimacinawan e'ie' pkonianuk ipi kokpInaknuk okisawan icI osakiiukwan e'ki pkIsapie'nawat. 25 Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket.
9:26 IwcI San kapiat, shi Cinose'ne'muk, okiwikwcIton, e'wiwitokwat ni te'pwaie'ntumnIt nIshkI caye'k okikwsawan ipi co kite'pwe'twasiwan winke' e'te'pwie'ntuk. 26 And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple.
9:27 NIshcI Pe'ne'pe's, kimacinan, ipi okisha’onan iciiInIt ni nwakancIk, ipi kiwitmowan kashu wapmat ni Kshe'mIne'ton kanmupiskat; ipi e'kiknonat ipi kashu kie'kwe'nIt shi Te'me'skusuk otInoswunuk CisusIn. 27 But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.
9:28 Ipi shiw okiwican e'pitke'wat, ipi e'sakumwat, shi Cinose'ne'muk. 28 And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem.
9:29 KiwishkItakwsI e'kie'kwe't shiw tInoswunuk Te'pe'nke't Cisus, okiwikwce'an ni Knik nInwun nIshcI okikwce'nsukon. 29 And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.
9:30 IwcI ni wikane'iIn kake'ntumnIt okipie'nawan shi SisInie'uk, ipi okinokanawan ipI Tasusuk. 30 Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus.
9:31 Pic cI ki maoce'ticuk te'pwe'ie'ntukuk, kinwashmok, caye'k Cwtie'uk ipi Ke'nIniuk, ipi Se'me'ne'iuk, ipi kiknomowak, ipi pmose'k shi okwutacwunuk, Te'pe'nke't, ipi shi omInwankoswunuk PanakwsIt ocipam wusimI cI kitshik. 31 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.
9:32 OtI cI kanomkuk, Pitu kapmIshiat cak onukumuk, okipie' naskawan, ke'ni te'pwe'ie'ntukuk katacuk shi NItie'uk. 32 And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda.
9:33 Shi okimkawan nkot nInwun Inie's kishInke'so, nouktso pon kishkIshIn onupaknuk kiakwnoke' i nie'psowun. 33 And there he found a certain man named Aeneas, which had kept his bed eight years, and was sick of the palsy.
9:34 Pitu cI okinan Inie's Cisus Knayst, ktosh‘uk e'wine'se'n, Psukwin mnoston knupakIn, icI e'kipsukwit kie'nup. 34 And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed. And he arose immediately.
9:35 KicI caye'k katacuk shi NItie'uk, ipi Se'nunuk kiwapmawan icI e'kikwe'knoitwawat Kshe'mIne'ton. 35 And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord.
9:36 Cape'uk cI kite'wak nkot te'pwe'ie'ntuk kishInkaso Te'payte' i e'anke'notmuk, Takus, e'ktok otI kwe' kimoshkne'se'nI we'onItnuk mikce'wiwun ipi katotuk mnototake'onIn. 36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.
9:37 OtI cI kanomkuk shiw e'kishkiwuk kiakwnoke' icI e'kinpot kakishksipie'nawat okishkIshmawan, shpumuk wikwamuk. 37 And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber.
9:38 Osam cI NItie' ki pe'shocaiIn shi Capiuk icI ki te'pwe'ie'ntukuk kanotake'wat ni PituIn shi e'iInIt okinokanawan nish nInwun e'ntomawat kie'nup shi e'wipie' shianIt. 38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them.
9:39 IwcI Pitu e'kipsukit e'kiwice'wat pic cI kapiawat okisho‘nawan shi shpumuk wikwamuk ipi caye'k, ki shakaocIk okiwickapwutakon e'mwuwat, ipi e'wapitu‘kot ni piskumwaknIn, ipi kwawo‘nIn Takus kaoshItot me'kwa e'ie'pmatsIt. 39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.
9:40 NIshcI Pitu caye'k okisaktInan icI e'ki owucikwnukapowIt, ipi kinume'‘ ipi okikwe'knoi shi wiwunuk, otI kikIto, Te'payte', Psukwin, icI e'kipaknuk, niw oshkishkwe'n, icI kawapmat ni PituIn, kicipitupI. 40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.
9:41 IwcI e'ki minat niw nIce'n icI e'ki psukwitnat pic cI kantomat ni te'pwe'ie'ntumnIncIn ipi shakaocIk kiminan e'pmatsInIt. 41 And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.
9:42 Caye'k cI shi kikuke'ncukate' shi Cape'uk mce'sh cI kite'pwe'twawan Kshe'mIne'ton. 42 And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord.
9:43 OtI cI kanomkuk, okiwican me'kwe'tsokwun, shi Cape'uk, nkot Sayimun we'she'knIke't.. 43 And it came to pass, that he tarried many days in Joppa with one Simon a tanner.

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