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between the
and the
1789 - 1867

Mogawh's mark, a pictograph from the treaty of July 4, 1805
Mogawh's mark, taken from the treaty of July 4, 1805

All of the treaties signed by one or more members of the Potawatomi tribe are given. Graphics are taken from the pictographs by Mogawh and Noname found on the signature pages of the treaties of July 4, 1805 and November 17, 1807. Besides the published references given below, we have, in a number of cases, referenced the treaties themselves, as found on microfilm in the files of the National Archives.

Our thanks to Tom Ford, who did the research for this project.


Fay, George E., ed. Treaties Between the Potawatomi Tribe of Indians and the United States of America, 1789 - 1867. Greeley, Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, 1971.

Kappler, Charles J., ed. Indian Treaties 1778-1883. Mattituck, New York, Amereon House, 1972.

Noname's mark, a pictograph from this treaty of November 17, 1807
Noname's mark, taken from the treaty of November 17, 1807

Table of Contents

Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: January 9, 1789
Fort Harmer

Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: August 3, 1795
Treaty of Greenville

Treaty with the Delawares, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: June 7, 1803
Fort Wayne

Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: July 4, 1805
Fort Industry

Treaty with the Delawares, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: August 21, 1805

Treaty with the Ottawa, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: November 17, 1807

Treaty with the Chippewa,etc. [including the Potawatomi]: November 25, 1808

Treaty with the Delawares, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: September 30, 1809
Fort Wayne

Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: July 22, 1814

Treaty with the Potawatomi: July 10, 1815
Portage des Sioux

Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: September 8, 1815
Spring Wells

Treaty with the Ottawa, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: August 24, 1816
St. Louis

Treaty with the Wyandot, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: September 29, 1817
Rapids of the Maumee

Treaty with the Potawatomi: October 2, 1818
St. Mary's

Treaty with the Ottawa, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: August 29, 1821

Treaty with the Sioux, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: August 19, 1825
Prairie des Chiens

Treaty with the Potawatomi: October 16, 1826

Treaty with the Potawatomi: September 19, 1827
St. Joseph

Treaty with the Winnebago, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: August 25, 1828
Green Bay

Treaty with the Potawatomi: September 20, 1828
Carey Mission

Treaty with the Chippewa, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: July 29, 1829
Prairie du Chien

Treaty with the Potawatomi: October 20, 1832

Treaty with the Potawatomi: October 26, 1832

Treaty with the Potawatomi: October 27, 1832

Treaty with the Chippewa, etc. [including the Potawatomi]: September 26, 1833

Articles Supplementary to the Treaty of September 26, 1833: September 27, 1833

Treaty with the Potawatomi: December 4, 1834
Lake Max-ee-nie-kue-kee, Indiana

Treaty with the Potawatomi: December 10, 1834

Treaty with the Potawatomi: December 16, 1834
Potawattimie Mills

Treaty with the Potawatomi: December 17, 1834

Treaty with the Potawatomi: March 26, 1836
Turkey Creek Prairie

Treaty with the Potawatomi: March 29, 1836

Treaty with the Potawatomi: April 11, 1836

(First) Treaty with the Potawatomi: April 22, 1836

(Second) Treaty with the Potawatomi: April 22, 1836

Treaty with the Potawatomi: August 5, 1836
Yellow River

Treaty with the Potawatomi: September 20, 1836
Chippewanaung, Indiana

Treaty with the Potawatomi: September 22, 1836
Chippewanaung, Indiana

Treaty with the Potawatomi: September 23, 1836
Chippewanaung, Indiana

Treaty with the Potawatomi: February 11, 1837
Washington, D.C.

Treaty with the Potawatomi Nation: June 5 and 17, 1846
Council Bluffs and Osage River

Treaty with the Potawatomi: November 15, 1861
Kansas River agency

Treaty with the Potawatomi: March 29, 1866
Washington, D.C.

Treaty with the Potawatomi: February 27, 1867
Washington, D.C.

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Internet presentation and graphics copyright © Smokey McKinney 1998

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